Event – Homoeopathic preventive distribution

Date – 01/05/2020 to 01/07/2020

Area – West Delhi contaminated zones(Nihal Vihar, Tilak Vihar and Nangloi)

Event – Homoeopathic prophylaxis distribution to prevent covid-2019

The distribution of Homoeopathic preventive medicine to prevent covid-2019  in the contaminated zones of West Delhi was done by Dr A K Arun with their team. The process of distribution was done under clean and sterilized environment.

The medicine was distributed to a total number of 16000 people. In different zones different number of people get benefitted with the immunity boosters. In Nihal Vihar we distributed the medicine in among 5-6000 people, in Adhyapak nagar of Nangloi the counting was 7-8000 people and in Tilak vihar around 3-4000 people get the benefit of free distribution of Homoeopathic prophylaxis.